Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alcoholism Alcoholism And Drug Dependence - 1054 Words

Alcoholism is a problem affecting millions of families around the world. Based on the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Inc., Alcoholism is considered a family disease due to the amount of stress that family members go through (NCADD, 2016). Alcoholism is an addiction that requires treatment and support from family members and friends. It is important, to understand the effects that alcoholism can bring to the alcoholic and to the family members. Some of these effects cause health, emotional, physical, and financial problems all affecting the consumer which can be male or female, and the family members. It is important to point out that alcoholism has a cure which requires a long treatment of therapy and support from family members and friends. One of the effects that affect the family is the health of the consumer. Alcoholism, is considered an addiction, and it’s really hard for the consumer to leave it. It affects the family because seeing the person consum e alcohol, and seeing how it affects its health day by day is a difficult situation for the family members. Knowing that the person can die from drinking too much, and seeing how they can suffer from: heart, liver, pancreas, and even cancer becomes stressful for the family. The difference from alcoholism and alcohol abuse are somewhat similar, but the difference is the dependency. Alcoholism is the need of alcohol day by day, making the person depend on the alcohol. This is why they can’t stop the useShow MoreRelatedAlcoholism Outline809 Words   |  4 PagesTopic: ALCOHOLISM Objective: To be able to discuss about Alcoholism. Outline: I.   Classification and terminology of Alcoholism A. Etymology II. History of Alcohol III. Signs and symptoms B.   Symptoms of long term alcohol misuse 1. Physical symptoms 2. Psychiatric symptoms 3.   Social effects C. Alcohol withdrawal IV. Causes of Alcoholism D. Genetic variation V. 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