Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Goals of Community Organizing Essay - 1402 Words

How it was organized Community organizing is a critical intervention in which social workers engage and is recognized as such many international federations of social work. The goals of community organizing particularly neighborhood-based organizing, vary, but generally include forming groups; bringing about social justice obtaining, maintaining or restructuring power; developing alternative institutions; and maintaining or revitalizing neighborhoods (Kuyek, 2011). In the wake of the devastating ï ¬â€šooding that followed Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, community organization prospers. Some of this organizing involves addressing and transforming racial and class inequities. As mentioned before local groups and non-governmental†¦show more content†¦Its mission is to provide â€Å"a collaborative and inclusive citywide framework that will empower neighborhood groups to guide planning decisions made in New Orleans† (Pyles, 2007, p. 328). Within two months, over hundreds of neighborhood groups, non-proï ¬ t agencies, churches, media outlets and universities had attended the weekly meetings. The final condition of organizing after disaster is that people are open to what outsiders and the world may have to teach neighborhoods (Pyles, 2007). Alongside local, state, and federal governments, numerous other national governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and private organizations assisted in offering aid to those affected by Hurricane Katrina. Over 70 nations offered aid to the United States, which â€Å"came in the form of money, personnel, food, shelters, and medical and technical equipment† (Gajewski, 2011, p. 391). NGOs and private organizations such as the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Oxfam, and Habitat for Humanity further contributed to relief efforts. The Red Cross was able to use both its phone number and â€Å"Safe and Well Website to help people track down missing family members and friends scattered across the United States during the evacuation process† (Whyche, 2011, p. 23). Furthermore, other funds were designed help homeowners pay off mortgages for homes in the flood zone to help them rebuild elsewhere. Various federal agencies were able to receive funding in an effort to stimulate business and job growthShow MoreRelatedCommunity Concerns And Goals : Observance Of Low Group Moral Prompted1664 Words   |  7 PagesCommunity Concerns/Goals Observance of low group moral prompted this community organizing effort. The three prominent behaviors shown were silence (a traditional Native response), an overabundance of an argumentative stance, and unprofessionalism during governmental meetings, exhibited even by elected officials at times. 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